Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's HaLLowEEn! HaPPy Samhain, pEEps!

Witch and ghost make merry on this last of dear October’s days.  ~Author Unknown

What a fulfilling Day! I was totally BeTTy!
Persimmon and Walnut Bread
Caramel Apples
Carveth the PumPkins
and of course,
and the Offering Plates to Celebrate Samhain

Started the day with baking. Using the Persimmons my Neighbor had given Me ( I had already processed the Persimmon Pulp, froze them, and then took that out this morning), I used a recipe that I found online to make the Persimmon and Walnut Bread. Being One to Spread the Wealth, and be thankful for gifts, I made two loaves (just doubled the recipe). One for my Neighbor. It was Scrum-dilly-umptious!

Next, We made the Caramel Apples.  Mine WombFruits unwrapped (with MINIMAL eatage!) the caramels,  while I prePPed the aPPles.   They twirLed the aPPles, I swirLed the caramel on. 

The Blu LOVES caramel aPPles, and I think He ended up claiming 4 of them over two days......

Carveth the PumPkins!
and then on to........


The PumPkins overfloweth ........................

Afterwards, Friends came over to visit, eating much Candy!

And then, at Midnight, plates of OffeRings were left, one on the outside Altar,
and one for the inside Main Altar.
OffeRings of Persimmon & Walnut Bread,
Cheese, Fruit, Milk, Bread, BuTTer, Honey, Wine & ChoCoLate.
Thanks was given for the Final Harvest
In RemebeRence and to Honor
Loved Ones who have passed away.

Samhain Celtic festival

Samhain Eve is one of the principal festivals of the Celtic calendar, and is thought to fall on or around the 31st of October. It represents the final harvest. The Celtic year began in November, with Samhain (meaning "summer's end").

Samhain is the most magical time of the year.

This is the time to perform the samhain remembrance ritual to honor loved ones who have passed away.

It is called the day which does not exist because the walls that hold the material world apart from the spiritual world are dissolved. This happens when Skathach (the great female Celtic warrior) lowers her shield during the night.

Samhain is a time of great joy and union with a higher world.

At this time the spirits of the dead and those who have not yet been born join those of us living in the material world. Ancient Celts provided food and entertainment for these spirits, inviting them to walk among them in this festival in their honor.

Meaning of Samhain

Samhain is celebrated on a material as well as a spiritual level.
Materially, it represents a time of gathering resources for the long winter months that are coming. For those who had a bad season through the fall, Samhain is a time to prepare for the perils that winter may bring.
Spiritually, Samhain is a time for reflection and meditation on death, and the honor of your ancestors who have passed to another plane. It is an opportunity to be at one with your past, present and future. The Great Feast of the Dead is celebrated on Samhain Eve to offer tribute to those who lived before you, and those who will come after you.
Samhain predates the Roman feast of the Dead, Lemuria, and All Hallow's Eve - the eve of the Christian holiday to honor the saints, All Saint's Day. The secular holiday today is known as Halloween. All of these festivals, though called by different names, are celebration of the awe, communication with, and respect of the dead.

Friday, October 30, 2009

HaLLowEEn Craftiness, FaLL Fun... ClassrOOm Crafts with The Blu

As long as I can remember I wanted Children.
I have 3. 
Even before preschool, there were coloring books and playdoh.
When they started school, 
I was in there as much as possible, helping out, eating lunch, and, of coure, Doin' Crafts!
What a Grand way to nurture your Inner Child 
and Be a Great Paren.
I HIGHLY recommend spending even just an hour a week doing a craft or artistic endeavor with your child.
The experience is Life Long.

So it comes to no surprise that it is time for a Autumn/Halloween project. For some reason, I was really stressing about it this year. I couldn't seem to find an age appropriate craft. The kids seemed to old to be doing most of what I found. When I say it was down to the wire, it was, like, dangling....

I headed to the craft store and even though I had been through a week earlier, I tried again. 
This time everything clicked!  
I found enough wooden pumpkin ornaments, two styles, A tall pumpkin, and the short round pumpkin. 
1 Small Green GLiTTer, 
1 Large and 1 Small Coppery Orange GLiTTer,
2 SPooLs of Bright Green Thin Ribbon, 
3 ShEEtS Sparkly Black Felt,
and a package of Mini~Plastic Fall Leaves in just the exact amount of Kids! 
Woo Hoo!
I really was buMMed, because I was worried it was too baby-ish.
Picked out, checked out, sorted out.

I have a box of small plastic bags that zip shut. My mother gave them to me after she cleaned out her closet, and got rid of her jewelry making stuff. 
There's, like, a BILLION! of them, and they seem to brEEd worse than Tribbles (coming sOOn to a blog near You). But they are great for pre packaging art supplies too! 
I count them out, fill them with Glitter, foil cutouts, whatever gOOdies need packing, pre cut EVERYTHING! pack up and head out.

Now one thing about working with children is you have to have levels of Patience, Tolerance, and Enjoyment in the Face of Said~Patience&Tolerlance~testing. 
As the project progressed, there were kids that were actually having trouble with the process. They had total freedom to decorate their pumpkins be it Halloween style or Autumn style (yes, we don't want UPset anybody). They couldn't do it or it was difficult for them.
BabyGirl was there, she's 4, and She knew exactly what to do.
I was sitting at the table thinking about that, when the Teacher walked over and said "its hard to believe that something like this would be difficult, but since they never do it at home, they don't know what to do"
I have to say, that floored Me!
Yes, yes, it was an Ephiphany.........truly.
and it was a Shame. 
As far back as I can remember, I was CoLoRiNg, CuTTiNg, and GLuEing everything I could. I just assumed that these were normal things. 
Apparantly, not any more.
Which makes it even more important to GET OFF YOUR ARSE!! AND SPEND TIME WITH YOUR CHILD! 

Everything worked out in the end. 
The Kids had fun and 
I had the most pleasant of surprises looking at all the different ways the Kids had decorated their pumpkin. Some were outstanding! 
I did not think to bring my camera AT ALL, but they were great.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last minute gatherings

Rushing around trying to make sure that I have all my to do lists done.
Hobby Lobby (check)
Grocery Store (check)

Ok, back home,
Rice Krispie Treats (colored orange, ya know) made, covered, and ready for tomorrow  (check)
Craft Kits Assembled (poured, cut, gathered)  put in car so won't forget it at home          (check)
House cleaned

You just can't beat the feeling of accomplishment that comes from actually having things Organized!
Yes, yes indeed.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



patchouli ~ Hippie perfume...smells like Forest, Pot, and Snuggling.

yeahhh, That about sums it Up! (grin)

Its also My "Signature" scent. Its basically all I wear.

And you can surely bet, that after years of wearing it, I've got the hang of it.
I've learned NOT TO GO BY SMELL!

That's a REAL quick way to over~do it, 
and send the Crowds packing.
Remember, Your Scent-sors get used to scents and smells.
So, I've got it down to a Small drop on the Wrist, 
Rub and Swish over body and neck.

99.9999999999999% of the time, I get great compliments.
Apparantly, Patchouli suits my Chemistry.

During different times of the year, I will layer it with other Scents.

Autumn maybe with a Chocolate/Brownie body wash/gel...
Winter with a soft Vanilla ...
{I do mean soft, Vanilla is another scent that can get CRaZy~
too much, real quick}
Spring and Summer with a Rose Water rinse in my hair..
Its a great layering scent.

I shower with Kiss My Face 
Peaceful Patchouli Shower Gel,
which is a really great way to get a soft 
(but not invisible) Patchouli scent.

I was lucky enough to find a Patchouli plant at Whole Foods this year (pictured above).
I waiting for the flowers to come through because I haven't seen those yet.
The Familia and I are planning square~foot gardens next spring, 
and I definitely will be planting more.
Because, naturally I'm going to have a Beauty Garden! 

I wear the Now brand oil. In all the years I've worn it
(Ummm, 15?) 
only one time have I gotten a bottle that wasn't up to par. 
I actually got some complaints on that one.  
 So I poured it into the Extras bottle 
(I put all my oil endings into one bottle to let them continue aging,
so far so good)
Lorann Oils is a good place to get oils, 
although I haven't ordered from them in a while.

While gOOgle-ing Patchouli, I found this pleasantly pleasant surprise.
A band named PATCHOULI
I only got to listen to a few songs, and I liked them.
Folksy, guitar type music; Make a really good Studio CD.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am SO Honored! See, I got this LeTTer......

In the mail today.
For the Life of Me, I could not figure out what it was, or whom it was from.

Oh the Happy Happy, Joy was Special.

Two years ago, an artist on Tribe, sent out a call for packages, basically to send her a piece of used clothing and a Word.
And any other things, objects, notes & letters, that We felt like putting in.
She was going to use them in her project "BABEL ~ IDENTITY AND COMMUNITY AS MATERIAL" working towards Her diploma.

I participated. I remember sending Her a piece of a puff quilt my grandmother made, a rolling paper, a resin heart?, and a few other things that I haven't remembered yet.
Two years later, and forgotten, I recieved this Letter.
Out of the 30 or so packages She had recieved, She picked 5. And Mine was one! How Honored I am.

Especially after I read Her letter  and She told me about two participants in particular. One walked out Laughing, another with Tears in Her eyes. (Yep, I miss my grandma too! Every damn day.....)

Included was a fold~out sketch story of what happened inside the tent.
I was awe~struck to say the least. gOOsedbumps and Sparkly Tears, aside! lol

Sandra, Thank You So Much for Making My Day!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Burt's Bees bEEswax Moisturizing Creme

Burt's Beeswax Moisturizing Creme

With colder weather here or almost upon us 
(depending where you Live),
Time to start Moisturizing.
Actually, anytime is a gOOd time for Moisturizing.

This is the only creme I have ever used that didn't make me feel Grrr-easY!
(being prone to acne, other cremes just made me feel, covered)
My Mother even liked it.........yeah, I know.

It's especially great for the EyE area and the Neck.
It absorbs very quickly.
And that one little jar, goes a Lonnng way!
It's, by Far, my favorite from Burt's Bees.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gypsy ~ Enchantress

When I first rediscovered My Pagan path, this was the album that really spoke to Me. 
Actually, I had it on cassette.

It brings back feelings and memories of Great Friends, Tarot Card readings and Scratch Brownies, Angel Meditations, Thrift stores when they were still Thrift stores, Metaphysical Meetings, Treasures from Garage Saleing, My first joyous treks into Health fOOd stores with Their Awesome Health and Beauty Products, Magic, Candles, oh my! 

Barksdale's Health fOOd store and Barksdale's bOOkstore.
Nature's Treasures
Coyote mOOn
Living fOOds
Mystic Gemcraft
The Candle Shoppe
the birth of CoFFee Shops......
All these PeoPLe, Places, and Things.

The Music is one of the most envoking for Me, to bring it all back, like it was Yesterday
{instead of Yesterday Yesterday}

Gypsy ~ Enchantress

This one has her newest album also, which looks like it was release late 2009
Spirit Nation

Bring Back the Light 


Heaven's Gift

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ghost At Work ~ A Bailey Ruth Mystery

                           Ghost At Work ~ A Bailey Ruth Mystery
                                           by Carolyn Hart

I discovered Carolyn Hart in December of 2007. Due to an illness, I was at home ALOT.
I would go to My local library after the Family had dinner, to destress and get out the house.
One of Her bOOks on tape happened to be by the counter, and while waiting in line, I read
the description. It sounded right up my alley. I then proceeded to read every single one from that
series from Beginning to End, In Order! yep.

Carolyn Hart had/has become one of my
Top~Authors~I~Will~Read~Every~Book Authors.
I guess I should have just mentioned that I really really really like Ms. Hart's books.

When I found out about the new series, I was quite excited.
Ghosts AND Mysteries, a most enticing combination....
The book came out in September 08, and Bailey Ruth Raeburn was born.

I waited until October to read it though...........
I know, I know
I have this Thing, see..I like to coordinate my Holiday bOOks.
Ghost at Work is a Halloween mystery, and Halloween is in October.
Go Figure. (smilesmilesmile)

So here's a Treat for You;
a perfectly sound reason to veg for an hour, or two, or even three.
Add a piece of cheesecake and a cuppa of cappuccino,
and just Dare! anyone to disturb you.
or at least just have a pillow handy to throw at them if they bother you.

Friday, October 23, 2009

PumP Start My Heart Herbal Candle

My Herbal candles are more for Beauty and Magic
as opposed to Scented.

There's a Beauty to a candle that is thick and chunky,
with a myriad of colors and textures the Herbs provide.


I Love my Herbal candles, but I never leave them to burn if I'm not home.
I would recommend a Large plate~type candle holder
Sand in a Bowl candle holder.
When the wax melts, the herbs do too,
so you have to watch to make sure the glob
of wax and herbs don't go ablaze.

This candle is for those cool Autumn nights,
when The Heart desires some PaSSion.


1 White Jumbo Candle
Cinnamon sticks
Crushed Chili Pepper
Olive Oil (a dab will do ya)
Bees Wax
Parchment Paper

First I melted some of the bEEswax 
in the microwave (I used a glass votive) and then placed the glass on my stove griddle, low heat, to keep it warm.
Electric cup warmers also work well.

I placed the CiNNaMoN stick in the grinder to
grind into small chunks. You want the small chunks
not powdered.

Cover your work surface with the Parchment PaPer.
The paper is really fantastic because You can peel
the wax and herb bits off to put back on the candle.
Less Waste!

Using a DAB of Olive Oil, rub the candle with it. 
The original purpose of the Olive Oil was to help the Herbs stick to the Candle. It does help a bit with the smaller pieces, 
and really well with the powders.
This is where I learned that You should do the 
powders first and then the Herbs. I reversed it, putting the powder last and it ended up covering the pretty Chili PePPers and CiNNaMoN bits.
So, sprinkle the CoCoa Powder on the Olive Oil for a light covering.

Lay your candle on the parchment paper, and sprinkle some of the chili pepper and cinnamon bits on the jumbo candle. 

Using a straw, dip the straw into the wax, use your finger to cover the top of the straw (which keeps the wax inside the straw) and after placing the straw over the candle, move the straw down the length of the candle while drizzling the wax on the herbs. Try not to let to much puddle in one spot or you will have a big blob of wax showing instead of the herb.
You will have to do this a few times to get the 
length of the candle.

Continue this process, giving a minute or two for
the wax to dry before turning the candle, until You
have covered the candle completely around. 

When I make Herbal candles, before burning Them, 
I empower Them with
a Wish, a Prayer, or a Thank You 
(coinciding with what I would like the candle magic for)
This is one, You'd want to empower with PaSSion, Hot KiSSeS, and Lovin.

and Voila! A PumP Start My Heart candle.

Here are some of the meanings that go with the Herbs and Colors that I 

White ~ Peace, Purity, Sincerity, Protection, HaPPineSS, Spirituality, Strength, Ritual,mOOn, GoDDeSS.

Chili pepper ~ Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love, Fire , PaSSion

Cinnamon ~ Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Lust, Love,
High Spiritual Vibrations

CoCoa ~ Let's face it, lol, Cocoa is chocolate and Chocolate just makes EVERYTHING better!
Chocolate is dark, sweet, dense, soft, and sensuous.  It's not only a wonderfully sweet treat, it's also reputed to be composed of magical properties believed by some to assist in the acquisition of power, love and money.
Many people throughout history have believed that chocolate is a very intense and powerful aphrodisiac. Modern Science has actually confirmed that chocolate does contain a natural substance that is reported to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.

Fire It Up! muah!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Montagne Jennesse Face Masks

Ummmm, yuMMM!
Be Spoilt! 
and During the Holidays, 
who wants to look Haggard Hell.
Not I!

I have a great FondneSS for Facial Masks.
Since middle school, when My MoM first started fiLLing my Stockings with Beauty products,
those Lovelies like 
Caswell-Massey's Red Jasmine cologne 
(comeplete with a hand sprayer perfume bottle!)

French Green Clay and Witch Hazel
(I can still hear the very nice lady explain to Me how the clay would work).

Clinique Make Up and Face Cleaning Products
(which I still use today)
I've been infatuated, and taking care of My Self is a top PrioriTy!
                                I do it with Phenomenal Relish and Delight

I would spend hours after school and on the weekends, becoming One with My Stuff

Steaming my face, 
PuTTing on masks,
Styling my hair,
then the Makeup!

 gOOdneSS! What fun to be had when playing with Beauty!

But what to do when You are running a tad bit short on TIME???
Egads, shudder the wonder....
No worries.
These are great liTTle packets of help right here, yes yes they are.
Montagne Jennesse carries many different types of masks, 
footsie potions, hair,
and body notions.
But I do have to say,
The Chocolate
The Aromatherapy
are by far, the Best.

The Chocolate is just like opening a can of Frosting, 
in Touch, Look, and SmeLL.
(No, I haven't tasted it!)
It agrees with Me, without the calories!
Calms me down when I'm rushing.

The Aromatherapy gives me a sense of refreshment.
To Me, it smells mostly of Lavender, a most harmonious scent.
I like to use this one when I have the time to Worship at Leisure,
No Sense in rushing the GoDDeSS Beauty Ritual!

and don't forgeth The Fella.
Men have a zeal for Pampering, too. 
Put on a mud mask
(and if your guy shaves His head, buy an extra pack for Him to do His scalp also)
You manicure His hand nails,
He'll paint Your toe nails!

The Man and I have a Mutual Admiration of Pamper time,
which, will usually lead to Mutual Admiration of Each Other,
(nudge nudge, wink wink)
Especially check out the  New Products for 2009!
(unfortunately, They only ship in the UK, but You can always contact Them
or Your local retailer to see about purchases)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MaGicaL MySTeRy ToUr InCeNse

MaGicaL MySTeRy ToUr InCeNse

This is by far, one of my all time Number One incense to make.
Everything about it just screams ME! lol

I've been mixing up batches of this incense since I first started practicing the Wiccan Path,
so it holds many a great memory for me, from a very important time in my life.
Not to mention, but Will!, it has a wonderful scent.
Not a burnt herb smell, but a really nice smell.
I found this recipe in Wylundt's bOOk of Incense.
Wylundt's is Absolutely my Darling for Incense Recipes.
It's full of Funky and grOOvy recipes that just call me Sweetheart....

When mixing up loose incense, I like to add a bit of Saltpeter/Potassium Nitrate.
It helps the mixture burn better AND
it adds this fantastic Sparkle when afire! 

I mix up small batches at a time, 
mainly due to the Dampness Factor
and Smoke Factor.

Saltpeter/Potassium Nitrate has a tendency to gather the damp
which can really throw the burn off. 
The two worst problems are 
1) difficulty in burning 

Its best to store in air-tight container to ward off the moisture
as best as possible.
When too much is added, You have Hella Smoke, too much smoke.
Small amounts people, small amounts.

Here are the ingredients for Magical Mystery Tour incense
(as found in Wylundt's Book of Incense)
Bay 3/4
Frankincense  1/4
Sandalwood  1 1/4
Cinnamon  1/2
Dragon's Blood 1/4
Lilac Oil

mixing bowl
small grinder
saltpeter/potassium nitrate

Now, the numerical parts of the recipe do not stand for any specific type of measurement. It stands for the RATIO. What ever type of measurement device You use, follow the Ratio. Since I mixed up small batch, I just used My 1/4 tsp. spoon. So for 1/2 I filled it twice.
3/4 I filled it three times; and for the 1 1/4, I filled it 5 times. I know this may sound like common sense to a lot of pEEps, but recipes can be confusing enough for many.

One other potential problem is the "authenticity" of Lilac Oil.
Peeps, like Me, really like Their Potions & Notions to be as Authentic, as possible.

Apparently, "true" Lilac Oil is hard to come by and expensive.
Of course, I've googled and searched, and many say "true" (or in so many words)
Lilac oil. I used to use what was in the shop I worked at, now I usually just leave it out.
I plan to order some type of oil in the near future to add to the recipe anyway. 

After gathering My supplies, I added small amounts
to my mini electric grinder (small coffee grinders 
work really well) and measured the Herbs out.
When finished with the grindage and measuring,
I mixed all together really well.
If you choose to add the potassium nitrate, add now,
and mix again.

Store Your incense mixture in an air-tight container to help keep fresh.

I tried to get a great picture of the Sparkle affect, but alas, the camera, my self, and the flamage could not coordinate!


Potassium Nitrate:

 Wylundt's bOOk of Incense

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morgan's TaRoT

I fell in Love with these cards the verra moment I picked them up.

They Made Me Smile.
Then, I got home, opened them, and

They Made Me Laugh.

The first release of this deck was in 1970.
I bought Mine in the mid 90s.
I use It when I need a Bit of a Humor bOOst ")

Many Fall/HaLLoWeen Festivals, Gatherings, & Parties
will often have some form of Fortune Telling (looooook innnntoooo mY Cwristal Ballll)
I would never advocate, nope, never, the misuse of Tarot cards, these cards just beg to be used.
But, Treat Them Kindly~ No Need to Be Rude!

The iLLusTraTions are just Wicked CooL.
I've never been very good at Sketch Drawing,
so, of course, I adore them!
(One reason I'm such a BIG fan of Edward Gorey)

I do have to say that the "meanings" of the Cards can be, a bit, Out There (tha'ts one way of puTTing it)
Stick with it, You'll get it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Two SiSters Mary Thoughts for the Day ~ October Autumn

Delicious autumn!  
My very soul is wedded to it, 
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  
~George Eliot

October's poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter.  ~Nova Bair

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
~George Cooper, "October's Party"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ghosty Pins


The first time I ever used resin was in the mid 70s when an older brother of mine, had bought some. He let me use some for a Mothers Day project to give to my Grandmother (a dried gumball from her gumball tree). She kept till about 13 years ago, when She gave it back to Me, to keep, because She didn't want it to be thrown away)........I still have it.


I've come along way since then, using tints and colors, and making my own molds!

Using a Ghost mold that I made Me Self,
I mixed up some white resin to pour and then set.
When the resin was set, I PoPPed them out and let them "cure" for another few days,
just to make sure that it was completely dry.

Next step was to mix up some black resin,
using a tOOthpick, drop the black resin into the eyes and mouth.

Once the black resin was dry, I adhered the pin backs to the Ghost and let that dry.

I mixed up a small batch of clear resin, to dip the Ghosts in as a final coat.
I figured if I dipped them in the clear batch with the pin on, it would act as an extra setting for the pin, but the resin was messy and coated the pin so they don't open.
After GENTLY prying the pins from the Ghosts, I reglued them.
If you want, you can mix a small batch of clear resin and using a small paint brush,
brush the resin around the pin base.

and Voila!

Ghost Pins.

Saturday, October 17, 2009



Now that I understand the Persimmon, lol,...........

I'm not sure how many of You have ever actually tried a Persimmon, but I tried one for the first time today.

What a Wonderful Surprise!

It has this warm, subtle spicy, Vanilla taste.

My Vietnamese neighbor across the strEEt, brings them to Me
(he's always bringing us fruits and vegatables that He grows Him Self,
as weLL as the pLants to grow)

The Persimmon fruits that He brings are of the Hachiya variety.

They are VERY astringent, and I can testify from personal experience that yes, biting into an unripe Hachiya is, as I read somewhere, like drinking a cup of tea made with six bags!
Talk about instant dry mouth!

But, then this wonderful, amazing thing haPPens, Ripens!
It gets all squishy, like an over ripe tomato, (they haPPen to look like a tomato too)
I'm not sure if you can see how the Persimmons on the left are darker than the right (pic at top)
but those are the ripe ones.

And You think, No way!
Yes Way!
You split the skin and can scOOp the inside out with a spOOn and eat it, just like that.

What I did was set them out on a plate, on Their tops, as They ripened I would move Them to another plate with a bowl on top (to keep those nasty fruit flies off). They all ripened pretty quickly and mostly together.

Look at that Beautiful pattern on the inside.
(Sigh) I'm a sucker for Natural Beauty in Things............

When I had a plate full of ripened ready PeRSiMMoNs,
I cut Them in half, ScOOped Them out,

and put them in a tupperware to store in the frEEzer.
That way I have plenty of PuLP to use in any recipe.

I'm for sure going to make a PuDDing, and there was a Persimmon Walnut bread I want to try.

Here's to New Things.