Sunday, November 29, 2009

BLu and CupCake's MiniaTure ViLLaGe

The Miniature ViLLaGe of The Miniature Me's!

I started with a starter set from abc catalog, when We bought Our house in 2000, and I was pregnant with The BLu~man. Then CupCake came along. Over the years, its become a Tradition to let the Miniature Me's add a new piece every year. There's two pieces that were painted by My oldest, mOOndoGGie and BLu~man. There is a Fountain that glows, a Treehouse, a Town Square complete with Cafe and Police Station {in honor of BaBa, otherwise known as The Man}

My favorite is the Vintage Travel Trailer with The Christmas Tree Lot.
I want to own a trailer like that one day.

The kids get totally over the mOOn when its time to set up Town.

And I had beTTer make sure We have fresh baTTeries.
We put down Our fluffly fabric with the GLiTTeR!! specks in them,
set up the ViLLage, and then They get to do some Landscaping.

Next year, it looks like We will be moving to a bigger lot.

This is yet another opportunity for spending time with the kids, family bonding, fun, and paSSing on the Traditions.The Blu~man Loves sitting on the couch by the ViLLage, doing His homework, and The CupCake delights in animating the PeoPLe in Their town.

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