Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Day of Thanks, and I have conquered the gravy.....

 Happy Thanksgiving, pEEps.

Yes yes, it has been quiet exhilirating....
I conquered the Gravy.

After many years,
many attempts
I did it!
It wasn't burnt!
It didn't taste like flour!

But now that I can make it..

I am also responsible for the bigg~ass Turkey {so bigg it deserves two G's}

That roasting pan is the one My MoM has used 
for as long as I can remember.
Now it's Mine.

Even though I never actually had My grandmother's recipe for it,
I know She always used the giblets in Her Cornbread dressing.
Lucky for Me, years ago I found a recipe on~line, and I would
swear that it was Hers. The aroma that fills the house just putting
the Ingredients together is worth the gazillion ingredients that go in it!

In addition to the tradition of Lemon Meringue Pies
{another passed on by MoM}
I was in an AppLe mOOd.
AppLe Cake was in order.

The recipe I used is from this cookbook.
I should be posting it in a later best selling tell all...
ok, not a tell all, just a blog post.
With the extra apples, I added an AppLe CriSp to the boo~feh.

All in all, it was a grand day out!

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