Sunday, January 31, 2010

Priscilla's Earthly Delights ~ 2

Treats for the Sweets.....Priscilla's been gathering 
sweet things again. With two verra special pieces.
The first being that LoVeLy 
*Pink Currant*
necklace I posted on PINK. 
Yes, yes indeed. 
This has to be My most Delicious Treat out of this bunch. The picture does it not justice.

Second, but running so close a race to One it might as weel be a tie.....this Over the mOOn Vintage pattern. 
And the GLiTTeR Icing on this cupcake~its UNCUT. Not to mention, but Will! is I keep thinking about the infamous Pink Bunny suit from Christmas Story. How cool would it be to make one for each of the Kidletts for next Christmas?? yeah?

One of the coolest Shirts I ever owned was a Black and White Referee soCCer shirt. I have a thing for Black clothing with White coLLars and cuFFs....
When I first found the Mccalls pattern , that's what I immediately thought of.
The long sLeeve version would be top notch for that idea. The short sleeve I imagine in a Dark Blue print, but unsure of collar. 
The Simplicity pattern is also UNCUT! This Shirt Dress Style is what I'm into lately. It's seems to be a great figure flatter~er~ist....The Modcloth version I wore on New Years is very similar. Plus, the color versions on the envelope really drew Me in. I envision one of each..{ a Girl can dream!}

The SugarPoP LOVEs clothes! She will not hesitate to point our what She would like.
This is what She pointed out.
Ok, so I asked Her, if she liked, ....She liked.
The Simplicity Pink {first on left} is going to be Our first project. Its perfect for creating a Wardrobe for the Beach this Summer. The objective is to make 5 of the outfits. In Pink, Darling. Nothing else will do.  

and Priscilla's Lagniappe....some new Rainbow color Markers. 
I use these for glamming up My calendar; 
You know, all those Wonderful things like Birthdays, Events, BiLLs even. Nothing like writing that payment in Yellow or Bright Pink to just make it all nice and cheery~
We have another successful satisfying of the sweet tOOth. 

Butterick 8822

Simplicity 6952

Butterick 4317

Mccalls 6991

Simplicity 4182

Pink Currant Necklace

Butterick 9849

Mccalls 3650

Saturday, January 30, 2010

FuLL mOOn ~ January ~ Wolf Moon

  Wolf Moon
Tonight is Januarys Full mOOn also known Wolf Moon. Native Americans refer to this winter moon as Wolf Moon for this is when the wolves are close, hungry, and howling, outside the warm homes of the villagers.
Supposedly, it's also the brightest and biggest of this years line up. 
Alas, due to cloudy weather, I won't be able to see it. Sigh.

All my womb fruits have an admiration and love of the mOOn.
As do I.
According to The G~Man's working co~horts, yes, pEEps do act a
Little Bit Crazier crazy on a Full moon.
I like to think more on an Amorous~Crazy~for~You kind of mOOd
You won't even need candle light!

Full moon rituals are my favored and most pleasant rituals I ever do. Much of it has to do with the simplicity of it. Full moons are also a time for letting go, cleaning house, Soul or otherwise.
{and who wants negativity any day, especially if its going to be a Holiday}
This is a grand time to do Wolf magic also.

Burning bits of paper~ Write down on pieces of paper the things You want to cleanse from Your life. Close eyes, take a deep breath, and burn it,
Burn baby Burn.


Smudge Smudge~ a big fat smudge stick is needed here. Make sure you carry around some type of container to catch the ash as you walk through your house and smoke it out. I leave my windows and doors open for this also. Nothing like chasing out the Negatives with some blessed smoke. Start in the furtherest corner of your house and walk through. I open up cabinet doors and closets also and make sure the Smudge smoke gets in. If your gonna clean, clean it right! What ever Spiritual or Religious philosophy you associate with, there is always a prayer or chant for purging, cleansing, and healing. {these are really good smudge sticks>

Salt bath by Candlelight ~ Sea salt and candles. The Salt purifies and the Flames from the candle burn away the bad energy. Just to clarify, You bath with the Salt, and burn the candles! Make sure You have enough time to relax and  think about what You want to get rid of and change.

Candles ~ a simple lone white candle can have some pretty powerful energy. Especially if placed in or near a window in the mOOnlight.

If You have the time, A nice cleaning of the Humble House~ a good wipe down, vacuum, 
mop the kitchen floor; 
Open up some windows and doors, even if its just for a few minutes 
{I am totally aware of you all who live in snow, but You too!). 
The attic fan that was put in our house when it was built in 1953 still works, and you can bet i use it to my advantage!

In honor of this years Wolf mOOn I have some music selections for your enjoyment!

Wolf mOOn ~ Type O Negative

Crazy on You ~ Heart { I ♥ Heart}

hmmm, Interesting Article on Salt benefits:

Smudge Stick

Full Moon

Full Moon Names for 2010

Yahoo News Article ~ Biggest and Brightest Full Moon of 2010


Friday, January 29, 2010

Lentil Soup


I had a damn gOOd Childhood. 
It's True.
Mixed Heritage, 
Worldly Exotic Travels

Mix it all Together, throw in some Blessings from Your favorite Kitchen Witch and You have a recipe for
damn gOOd Food.

Chicken and Dumplings from My Maw~maw,
Lentil Soup from My Mom.

From My earliest MeMories, Lentil soup was there.
My favorite picture, even though it is now ruined, 
was of a 2 year old KeLLy Ann,
Winter { I told ya},
and a bowl of Lentil Soup.
My Womb Fruits are Beings of that same Frontier,
KeLLy's Frontier.
The Man, coming in from a long ass week away,
to a cold, grey, rainy day,
has requested 
The Lentil.

So, Loving the Man to bits, I agreed. 
Going to the newly opened grocery store that I can WALK to,
We gathered up the supplies and came home.

3 really great things about Lentil Soup
*is so easy, 
* is a "big batch" recipe
*is a freezable recipe.

2  pounds ground meat  {if you like a thicker meat base, add 1/2 pd more meat}
1  medium onion
1  bag of Lentils
1  6oz can of TomaTo paste

Soy sauce {low sodium is the same taste as regular}
{powder and/or fresh; I use both, usually because I'll put powder in and then go,"oh, I have fresh"}
Salt & PePPer to Taste

The first thing I do, is soak My lentils in a bowl of hot water.
You don't have to; I do because it speeds up cooking time.

Brown the meat and then drain.
While meat is draining, 
choPPeth the Onion,
add some olive oil to your pot, add onion, and saute.
{the smells of sauteing onions or melting buTTer. Can you say Childhood Consciousness?}

Put meat back in pot and season to taste.
Add Your bowl of Lentils and water and then fill pot with enough water to cover.
About an inch above the Lentils.
Add the can of TomaTo paste then bring to a boil.
Turn down heat to about, med ~ med/high.
You want a nice boil, but not so its splashing about.
Stir often, say blessings!
After 45 minutes to an Hour, taste test.
Adjust flavorings.
If Lentils are still hard or too firm, cook longer until done.
Look There!
Lentil Soup.
Goes wonderfully well with
fresh bread
slices of white onion
and gOOd PeoPLes!
{that in the corner is my dessert, a cream puff from my favorite bakery}

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rafa Fernandez

Rafa Fernandez has mastered the Art of Glazing that I will probably never see in my lifetime! 
It is Divine!
I discovered Rafa {Rafael} Fernandez from a Library boOK.
It was an artist workshop book and he showed his technique, 
but in a broad way. 
I have not been able to get the hang of it.

He is a Costa Rican born artist,
who still resides there. 
Most of his shows are there too,
if he's still showing. 
It seems unfortunately,
I cannot forsee being able to actually view his art. 

It's getting harder and harder to find information on Him.
His glazing technique gives a Luminescence to His Figures that are unearthly. And that's looking at it in a boOk or on the computer screen.
I can only imagine the vibrations that those paintings have.
So in the meantime, I must resign My Self to looking at his art in cyber world.

Rafa Fernandez from Painters' Wild Workshop

Friday, January 22, 2010


Dawanda is like a European Etsy.
They have some really unique things on the site.
Things with a little bit of flair,
For some reason, I'm really into the clothes that are featured.


                                                                         seller: Shoko

seller: Bag of Joy

I've gotten some really nice jewelry supplies from here, also.

The absolutely in LoVe with piece:
seller: Isabellas Art

Peruse the cyber aisles at Dawanda,
stick some flair to Your pinboard,
Add this wonderful site to Your shopping list
{along with Etsy and Ebay}

A DeLightful place to shop.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Ghost and Mrs McClure

 The Haunted Bookshop Series
A series written by Alice Kimberly
{she also writes The Coffeehouse Mysteries under Cleo Coyle}

Nice cozy reads to simply tune out to! 

the main character Penelope, who comes back to be partner with Her Aunt at the boOkstore,
as She struggles with Her independence and being a single parent. 

the main character Jack, the Apparition American  Hero
{aka: Ghost, after He was murdered in said boOkstore},
who encourages Penelope to not be a patsy.

Can you have two main characters?....
Set in a Bookstore WITH an Apartment upstairs! How cooL is that?

An instant connection between the two main characters. 
An other appealing fact is the vintage flair, complete with vintage language.

Toss in Some savory pEEps, Some time travel, Some supernatural LoVe, Some nasty in~laws,  Some gOOd natured town folk and humor, I find my Self cheering Penelope on to show them what for! HMPH!

I have read the First 3 and will be getting the next two soon.

A perfect little read for lazy days, road trips, beach.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Atomic Home~Femineered

The 50s 

Take away the over saccharinated cardboard Happy and you have some pretty cool stuff.
The 50s look like the 90s felt for Me.
The excitement of a New Adventure, 
being on My own, 
the ups and downs of navigating through LiFe.

I would love to have seen My house brand new, it was built in 1953
and I may yet come across a picture, keeping fingers crossed. 

This book is a great visual full of ads that show what was popular in the day.

I have a thing for 1950s kitchens, with their Crayola Crayon happiness.
Its like being on the inside of a crayon box, looking out.
Its all the Neat Storage, and Cubbies, and Innovative Appliances.
I am trying to stick to the time period of Our home, 
just with updated and better stuff.
There are  so many places, on and off line that sell retro,
Its even easier to get your dreams to come true than in the 50s.
I totally want a sky baby blue fridge in my kitchen.

My grandmother had a table and chair set pretty much like the one pictured in the ad. 

We used to have a jammin~completely~get~lost~for~two~ hours antique place here that had loads of these. Now, I can't seem to find them anywhere. Cause, I have the perfect spot for one...
I love plain white dishes and clear glasses, saving the mishmash of china for Parties.

Speaking of Parties, and Holidays, and Days Just Because,
these Magic Candle Bars!

I'm already in the mOOd!!

Its the wifely duties to set the mOOd!
Well, they say Wifely, I say Womanly, 
and its not really duty 
if you want to do it, now is it?

I want to "femineer" my kitchen.
I want to be a "femineerist" and not be "feared"

I want the Rainbow.

Atomic Rainbow.

Baby blue fridge, baby.....Baby Blue.

{From the glory days of linoleum and wood paneling to innovations in dishwashers, ovens, and washing machines, ATOMIC HOME: A GUIDED TOUR OF THE AMERICAN DREAM remembers the fads, fashions, and inventions of the postwar American dream home. With the war over, soldiers returned home to an unprecedented time of prosperity; the family home, with its white picket fence, became the status quo. Suburbs boomed and keeping up with the Joneses became a way of life for wives and weekend home-improvement warriors. Brimming with vintage illustrated advertisements depicting the "latest" in furniture, bathroom designs, and much more, ATOMIC HOME offers cultural commentary and design inspirations for an era that defined the modern family dwelling.}

Monday, January 18, 2010

Two SiSters Mary Thoughts for the Day ~ January

It is a heretic that makes the fire,
Not she who burns in 't.
The Winter's Tale, 2. 3

The merry year is born
Like the bright berry from the naked thorn.
~Hartley Coleridge

The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows.  
~George William Curtis

                               Slow as molasses in January.

Venus between Terminal Gods/Aubry Beardsley

Girl with Red shoes~ not sure if this is a personal photo or an art show card

Winter Scene

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Studio, New workbench, Getting organized ~ A

It seems that after the Holiday craze, 
Studio clean up is a Uno Numero priority for Crafters.
I am no exception.
I have really enjoyed seeing other Artists amongst
the tribbles of Their studio, 
and having confirmation that I am not the only one who's studio looks like 
a Posse of Priscillas had their Beauty Day.

One thing I asked of Santa The Man, is for a new workbench. I did have pics of the assembly, but alas, They decided to launch themselves into oblivion of their own accord.

After assembly the new bench, the plan was to replace the table by the window. 
As is wont to happen,
the Plans on the paper didn't quite match the Plans in reality.
Now the conundrum. 
How the hell to squeeze all of that into the same space.
Because, the whole purpose was to STREAMLINE!
And on top of that, it was a multi room reorganiztion so I was literally going in circles.
Remember the toy room? yeah, I know....
So here is the progress so far.

One of the biggest issues is the easel. 
Love my Easel, but it's like having a MaMMoth for a pet.
and the Rolling Paint Tray, its favorite play toy.
I was constantly pulling and pushing both out of My way.

Also reorganize all my watchmakers tins! 
After several attempts at magnets, and velcro, I'd had it. 
Another reason I needed my new workbench 
was the awesome ass drawers provided by said workbench. 
Perfect for the tins.
The stereo needs a new perch cause I really need that spot! 
So far I've gotten the bench together.........yeah.                                        
Well, I did put it in it's place.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its off to work I goooo.....If I'm not back for dinner, send The G~Man a flare!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Priscilla's Earthly Delights ~ 1

Every Darling should take a ShoPPing Holiday...and as often as possible. 
{After you take care of bills, of course. 
Priscillas' must put priorities first to indulge in the Delights}

When My Oldest and I were Two peas in the pod of Our humble home, those days would come on Tax Refund and Student Loans. We'd splurge a little, go out to eat, do some treasure hunting, go to the bookstore, or a movie. 
Or maybe even buy the video! 
{oh the excitement of a new video!}. 
Really lets You appreciate the things you do get.  Now a days, I'm lucky enough to be able to do a little more shopping, but the appreciation is still there.
Here are My Treasures for Today's Earthly Delights:

These charming, accidentally discovered dishes. All the way from Rome. I want to try and collect as many pieces as I can to put in My Daughters Make~This~House~A~Home Secret Stash. I have also started one for My two older Sons, and they are based on their favorite colors. 
Pink, Of course, is Hers.

I'm a big fan of Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel, and spotted the Lavender scent at Whole Foods, and just thought "oooohhhhh".
I think it would go really well with French Green Clay 
{I order my clay through Mountain Rose Herbs}

I was also out of my Burts Bees Moisturizing Cream. 
So was Whole Foods. 
I desperately needed something for my parched face and decided on Kiss My Face Honey & Calendula lotion. 
I was skeptical at first, due to having oily skin, 
I have to be careful with the grease factor 
{which is why i love Burts Bees, soaks in quick, with no residue}. 
But Desperation is being Desperate, right?
And besides, I like Kiss My Face. 
Surprise!!! Although it does go on a bit "wetter" than Burts Bees, its soak factor seems to be quicker. Sigh of relief and a wooHoo for that!

Also picked up a few packs of these really pleasant Incense sticks. These are nice when you want a soft to moderate smoke and scent. You're house will love you for it!

Sewing is on my New Additions to the Life's Resume for this year. I've been collecting some vintage patterns since last year. 
I found this on Etsy, thought the Cupcake would like it; 
I was wrong.....She Loved it. 
I'm really looking forward to this one since it will require My MoM to help, from which I will learn, and Cupcake will be there, learning also. Especially since She got Her first sewing machine from Santa this year.

and, a walnut brownie.  
A Sit down Cup of CoFFee~Mystery bOOk~Snack to My Self~Walnut Brownie.  
Dat is true!
it was YummY, too. 
{hence, no picture}