Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Styrofoam and PiPe Cleaner Bells.....


 Party time in the fun house.

The K`kids were Super excited to find out
that with their Holiday party, they were
going to do an Art Project~

Styrofoam and PiPe Cleaner BeLLs....

We had the Kinder's tear pieces of Tissue PaPer up,
   and then glue them the Styrofoam Cup. 
If you do use GLiTTeR like we did, 
have the Kinder's decorate the cups with GLiTTeR
after placing the Tissue PaPer on. 
You want to give the glue some time to dry
before doing the next step.


While we waited for the cups to dry, we had the kids attach their BeLLs to the PiPe Cleaners. Slide the PiPe Cleaners through the loop on the BeLL and have them twist it.

You want a few inches twistability for two reasons:
1. To have enough to secure the BeLLs tightly
2. The Twist will be your anchor to keep the cup on 
   and still allow the BeLL to jingle.

Using a Pencil {hey teacher, I forgotmy Peeeencil!} 
punch a hole in the top of the cup to push the
PiPe Cleaner BeLL through, and Shazam! 
You've got a Styrofoam and Pipe Cleaner Bell!

Bring on the Ringers....

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