Sunday, November 21, 2010

FuLL mOOn ~ November ~ Beaver Moon

My progress was rendered delightful 
by the sylvan elegance of the groves, 
cheerful meadows, 
and high distant forests, 
which in grand order presented themselves to view.
~ William Bartram



November's Full mOon is known as the Beaver mOon,
as this was the time to set the Beaver traps before freeze,
to ensure a supply of warm Wynter furs.

It may also be called this because this is also
the same time the Beaver is preparing for Wynter.

November's MoOn is also known as the Frosty Moon. 
This name comes from the Northern Autumnal Ground Frost, 
which glistens beautifully in Pale Moonlight. 
 Alchemy is the art of far and near, 
and I think Poetry is Alchemy in that way.
It's Delightful to distort size,
to see something that's tiny as though it were vast.
~ Robert Morgan

Wynter's cold descends and outward growth slows. Make this a time for inner growth. This moon signals a time to slow down. The Earth is resting. It is a time to contemplate and tie up loose ends. Dress in black, purple, blue and other dark colours to honour the sleeping earth. Use purple candles and burn full moon incense (a mixture of anise, lavender and rosemary) or mugwort or patchouli. If your observance includes a feast, then include vegetables that grow beneath the ground, such as garlic, onions, potatoes.

Bead ARt

Frosty Moon ~ Gay Bumgarner Images

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