Monday, September 13, 2010

Priscilla's Earthly Delights

Back back a LONG time ago, on one of my many forays into the Library, 
I discovered this bOOk and it was LoVe at first sight.

Oh the Houses I could dress with this bOOk.
A few years ago I loaned it to The Oldest Kid with the stern warning:

So what did he do?
Loaned it to someone.
Where did it go?
Have no clue, because she "lost" it....

No worries.
Thanks to the Age of Tech, 
I replaced it with no more than a click of mouse, once or twice.

There's really not much in here that I don't want to do.
These 3 things though, were what kept me 
in Home Interior Dreamland of Kelly's Frontier:

The Blue Sectional
The Floral Suite
The Velour Hanging Lamps


How CooL are these?
My front roOm 
would be so hoOker...
Priscilla says "Hooker, please!"


My Complete Adoration for desks made with saw~horse frames
and a top came from this verra boOk.
The first one I ever made was from 
two wooden horses
a hollow door
and some grOoviLicious fab fabric my Turkish Aunt gave me.

I stapled the fabric to the door,
ran the wires through the empty door~knob space,
set up in the empty wash pantry
and had my first Adult Studio.

The Oldest Son turned my ear to a place here in our town, 
that has the juju~bees on glass...
and it won't cost me a years worth of GLiTTeR to get it.
Therefore, I am thinking that in the process of streamlining 
the glass and wooden desk above would be perfect in our office.

The Oldest Son thinks this is the ultimate in Priscilla Beds.
Priscilla thinks this is a hooker bed.
I said "hooker, please"

Even though I've never actually made any of the furniture in here yet,
The instructions and assemblies of the pieces are pretty simple
and straightforward, which is what makes them Reality Do~able.


  1. These are all so fun!!I really really love the saw horse table!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  2. {Cat ~ I'm hoping to get the lamps done during the Holidays while the kids are home from school. The book really is great, you should see the other projects.
