Eagle~ think outside the Box;
see how high you can soar.
The Eagle can see extraordinarily well,
and is very strong willed and graceful.
Eagle is a great observer,
has great Intuition and Creativity.
They try to bring things together
and better them through creative actions...
they help you fly among the Stars
and connect you with Spirit
while here on physical land.
Cleansing your Chakras is an excellent way
to open up to the keen observations of Eagle
and fine tune your Intuition.
Intuition helps clairfy your Vision{s}.
{just a note before you begin:
if you've never heard and Eagle call,
google it for reference}
*Sea Salt
* a warm Bath
*Dark Blue candle{s}
*White candle {s}
*Nature music
a bit of Magic:
Take a basic cleansing salt bath,
visualizing all the inner and outer grit
being washed away.
Use your white candle{s}
and soothing or nature music.
Rinse off and dry.
Light the Blue Candles and
start your Nature Music.
Lie comfortably on your bed or couch,
with a pillow to prop your head and shoulders slightly.
Breathe slow and steady and deep;
relax with each breathe,
starting with your toes.
With each breathe out,
the relaxation climbs
throughout your body
til you reach the top of your Head.
Like filling a pitcher with Milk.
Continue your breathing,
and visualize a dark blue Night sky
opening up above you.
You are surrounded by the tall Trees of the woods,
breathe in their Scent and
relax even further.
You soon hear the call of the Eagle
and as it becomes louder,
you see Eagle fly above you.
Eagle comes and lands beside you.
He hands you one of his feathers
and as you take hold of it,
you both start to ascend to
the Night Sky.
There is no fear or anxiety.
Just remember, you are Safe.
As you fly higher among the Stars,
soon you notice that the they
are changing CoLoRs.
They begin to ShiMMer,
and Blink.
You can feel the Energy.
Eagle is right there with you,
guiding you, flying with you.
Remember to keep breathing,
steady and slow.
Slowly they change to the color, Red.
As you fly through the Red Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color Red fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your RooT Chakra.
Slowly the Stars change to the color, Orange.
As you fly through the Orange Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color Orange fill you up,
let it cleanse and reenergize
your Splenic Chakra.
Next, the Stars slowly change to the color YeLLow.
As you fly through the YeLLow Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color YeLLow fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your SoLaR PleXius Chakra.
Slowly they change to the color, GrEEn.
As you fly through the GrEEn Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color GrEEn fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your HearT Chakra.
The Stars begin to change to the color BLue.
As you fly through the BLue Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color BLue fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your ThroaT Chakra.
Slowly they change to the color PurPLe.
As you fly through the PurPLe Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color PurPLe fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your THiRd EyE Chakra.
The Stars then change to the color InDigo.
As you fly through the InDigo Stars,
let the color wash over you,
let the color InDigo fill you up,
and let it cleanse and reenergize
your CroWn Chakra.
Feel the EnErgy
as all the Stars begin to
shimmer and blink
all the colors.
One last time the STars change,
back to White.
As Eagle guides you back through
the Stars, let the White pure energy
connect you with Eagles magic.
The Eagle has landed!
You are back on land,
fully cleansed,
and keen to get started.
Give thanks to Eagle.
Begin to pay attention to your breathing,
and as you breahte in and out,
bring your Self back to awareness.
Eagle shows us that PeePs with high ideals
need to be able to spread their wings
so they can reach those Stars, or Goals.
As long as we follow our Intuition
we will be heading in the right direction.
Let Eagle energy be your Guide,
your connector between
your Intuition and your Physical Self.
These meditations are not just for Full Moon.
They can be done anytime you need or feel like doing them.
Eagle Dancer ~ Oscar Howe
Native American Animal Zodiac
meditation property of The Holiday HoHo Queen. Please give credit if reposted.