Drum rolllll, Puhlease!
yeah, that's it.
I'm actually on the fence about this one.
I'm not quite sure that the flava title matches the flava.
One thing I am definitely disappointed in is the CoLoR!
The package has a somewhat brighter tone to it,
and the actual CoLoR is a muddied Lavendar Pink.
Enough to turn me off to buying it another time,
simply for the fact that I could sub with a White/VaniLLa frosting, RaSpBeRRy flavoring,
and my own foOd CoLoRing to get a better CoLor.
I used these with a White Cake and a Butter Chocolate Cake.
You're just going to have to go on your own personal preference for either White or Chocolate cake, because either one is perfect for this frosting.
I would recommend trying to this, at least once, and form you're own opinion.
And so we continue, pEEps, on the CupCake Whisperer's FlaVa Train adventure...
up next is Mocha