Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Family in Vintage

I sure do miss them!
Especially those two on the Right!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

PrisciLLa's EarThLy DeLights

 as the CaKe turns...

so the collection continues to grow...
This is my first square cake carrier.
I just LoVe the simplicity of the design and it's just so damn Cheery!

{Priscilla says: Peachy, LoVe, just Peachy.}


Thursday, April 19, 2012

ReVamped ~ Incense Lantern

 I've had this Lantern for a verrra long time.
 I use it to burn Incense, it's terrific for holding the ash,
and I love the way it turns the smoke into a soft scent.

It was a grey rainy day and I wanted something Bright.

aboot 13 minutes later.....


Yep, that did the Trick. Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring makes offerings to the Garden...

My new plants for the Spring~

I'm verra excited about the Peach tree
Already daydreaming of glass jars filled with Jams and Spices ....

Pretty fired up about this Eastern Redbud too~
planted with the Future's future in plan and in sight.
The hope is when the day finally gets here and
we get to do put up the Window Walls for the back of the Humble Abode,
the Redbud will be in the view from the Master Bedroom and the Living Room.

I got my usual assortment of Morning Glories and MoOnVine....
a Southern staple if there ever was one.

We also replanted The Chook Man's Navel Orange tree.
The Fig and Lemon are progressing along nicely.
The Ginger is nice and big and established.
The Leeks are struggling through their replanting, but they're not dead so there's hope.

Of course, you can't forget the Inside~ my house LoVeS House Plants!

Our biggest job is going to be trimming up the trees this year.
Yeah, it's time, ugh.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Two SiSters Mary Thoughts for the Day ~ ApRiL

"When I was a kid, I inhaled frequently.
That was the point."
~ Barack Obama

"Cigarettes are for nervous people, competitive people, people on the run. When you smoke a narghile, you have time to think. It teaches you patience and tolerance, and gives you an appreciation of good company. Narghile smokers have a much more balanced approach to life than cigarette smokers."
~ Ismet Ertep , Turkey

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Let's get to cuttin, berches...

Sho nuff.
Look what The Chook Man has giveth
for my Day of Birth.
oh yeah, uh huh.
For Real.

and yes, it Works~
for exactly what I needed it to do.

Choppa Chop Chop ~ Kung Fu Cuttin my pEEps, Kung Fu Cuttin.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Duncan Hines ChoCoLate MarShMaLLow frosting..

Here we are with another flavored segment from Duncan Hines.
The Chocolate Marshmallow.

It's a really soft chocolate flavor.
I was expecting a more Marshymallow flavor,
or even a more Vanilla flavor. 
To me it tastes like the regular chocolate from the can, just lighter. 

It is ExCeLLenT on the White cake.  

It was only so so on the Orange cake. 
The Orange cake itself was kind of bland, 
so I think that may have had something to do with.

I used 1 box of White and 1 box of Orange cake mix.
I used 1 can of Starter Frosting and 1 packet of Chocolate Marshmallow flavor.

It's a good basic ChoCoLaTe frosting that will go on any flavor of Cake.
Next up is the White Chocolate Raspberry  and the Cherry Vanilla.
It's already on the grocery list!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

PrisciLLa's EarThLy DeLights

 RAWR means I LoVe You in Dinosaur
{Priscilla says: T`Rex, BaaayBe, T'Rex}

April's The WoLf

 The timber wolves will be our friends
We'll stay up late and howl,
At the moon, till nighttime ends,
Before going on the prowl
-Calvin, "Calvin and Hobbes" 


Grey Mary Janes ~ MouseTrapVintage

Dog CoLLar ~ StinkyandSweetpea

Wolf Slippers ~ babycricket

Red Riding HoOd bag ~ kittyempire3

Towel ~ EmbroideryEverywhere

Wolf painting ~ Larry FaNNiNg

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sweet Potato Swirl Bread

Lately, it seems I'm more into cooking than any arts and crafts of the GLiTTeR kind.
This was an interesting recipe so I tried it.
This is by no means a sweet bread;
in fact you may even put a touch of jam on it with your morning or afternoon coffee.

I could not distinctly taste the sweet potatoes, but they do make for a moist loaf.

Since I scanned the recipe in,
I'll skip posting all the extra wording.

I used my usual 4 mini loaf pans.

I baked the Sweet Potatoes for about 50 minutes,
and let them cool in the oven.
Man, did my house smell Divine!

It did seem to be a rather thick dough, 
for some reason I just thought it would be
not so thick even though it's a bread recipe.

Next time, I think I will lessen the cocoa
because the cocoa swirl did seem to overpower the
Sweet Potato a bit. I really wanted to taste both.

I baked the loaves for approx. 50 minutes. When I slice tested it, it was still very moist on the inside, and I was thinking I would have to put it back in the oven for a few minutes. Once it completely cooled and set the next day, it was Perfect!  This is the kind of food that is great for a Picnic, or a trip to the Beach, or a Road can cut thick slices and wrap in wax or parchment paper for a heavy, satisfying snack. I will be trying this recipe again.

If you are unable to read the scanned recipe due to blurriness,
this is the same exact recipe~

Duncan Hines Recipe

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tools I'd Like to have....

Still on the search for the perfect, or at least, 
better productively, way to cut my Resin.
This may go a long way towards fixing that problem.
Wish I had the room for the Mac DaDDy big pro Band Saw....oh Momma.

Band Saw

Sunday, April 1, 2012

CRaFts from Around the CoRner...

We LoVe our backyard.
It doesn't matter what the Weather,
someone's always out there.

Now is the perfect time to replace all those
crappy broken chairs, plastic or what~not,
and an Adirondack chair is the perfect replacement.

Here's a how to from Instructables.
I really like this one because of the
Grid illustrations He provides.

 I would go with Cedar and not the pallet.
I just love Cedar.

This Old House chair plans