Monday, October 29, 2012

PumPkin Carving time....

We Love it!

These have always been my 
Favorite plumpkins...
all round and plump!

We actually even toasted the sEEds this year!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HaLLoWeen Silicone Molds

These are the first Silicone Molds I have ever used.

The idea is beTTer than the actual outcome.
 I tried using buTTer and Oil for the molds.
 The buTTer just didn't work that well.
Apparently, you have to LIBERALLY douse with Oil 
to get a good release.

I did use the Golden BuTTer Cake Mix
which may have also been the problem.
It's a very thick, FLuFFy batter
which made it difficult to 
place in the molds
and to find a comfortable amount
of baTTer fiLLage.

I feel like it would have worked
mucho better if I had used 
a more fluid batter.

All in all,
I would try them again.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two SiSters Mary Thoughts for the Day ~ OcToBeR

 "Let my Heart be still a MoMent
and this Mystery explore"
~ Edgar Allan Poe

"The Shadow~maker shapes forever."
~Lafcadio Hearn
"Secrets are things we give
to Others, to keep for Us."
~ Elbert Hubbard

painter / title unknown


Saturday, October 6, 2012

PrisciLLa's EarThLy DeLights

mmmm, fresh Persimmon and Walnut Bread.
{Priscilla says: Get BaKeD!}


Thanks to TWO generous neighbors
with Persimmon Trees,
I was able to make a triple batch of bread
this year.

I also have started using fresh Nutmeg,
and does it make alll the difference in the World.

that's right, got those persimmons high on nutmeg...
the whole house was sighing in Happiness.

Got Milk?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tools I'd Like to have....

BRIGHT annnnd Shiny!

I do have fun working with Metal.
Alas, one of the biggest turn offs for Me
is the filing and sanding and polishing...
I just can't get past the nails on the chalkboard thing!

Problem solved!
 At least, a big portion of it.
still have to file...

Monday, October 1, 2012

CRaFts from Around the CoRner

How CooL is this dress?
You could add pretty much anything to
dress it up as a costume.
I'm thinking,
Those silver alien type head bands.

Perfect for all those parties coming up!
I'd wear it all year...

Star DreSS