Sunday, June 14, 2015

Squee! Noir Movie MaRaThoN!!!

Oh My!

The Chook and I 
these old vintage films....

TCM's Noir Movie Marathon

Murder Mystery at its BesT!

I just found out about it a few days ago,
but you can bet that we're on top of it now...

and don't forget your
butter butter buttered popcorn
coffee ice cream shakes!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

TooLs I'd LiKe to HaVe....


a TiLLer.

Our yard is small enough for this size tiller to be perfect!
Our house was built in 1953 
and the yard is seriously packed.
It could use with a bit of loosening up.

and it's electric which means no running to the gas station for gas.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Crafts from around the corner.....

Aren't they gorgeous?
so grOOvy and Sci Fi!