or how to save almost $3 bucks per box of Eggos.
My Blu man LOVEs the Waffles.
Thanks to the explosive hiking the prices of food we need,
I've really been watching the Groceries with a tight eye.
A box of 10 Eggo Waffles went from approximately $1.47 to $2.67.
After taxes, you might as well say, $3.00 a box.
That's way to much.
So, we bought a waffle iron.
For $10 we bought the cheapo iron.
Pankcake/Waffle mix is about $3 a box.
We test ran the Iron today.
It takes approx 5 mins to whisk up a bowl of fresh batter.
You can make it the night before
and put the batter in the fridge
for the next morning,
or go ahead and griddle up
the whole batch and freeze the overage
{Thank you Ms. Betty for that tip!}
It took a few WaFFLes to get my fillage right!
Add Fresh blueberries, strawberries, and jams, jellies, and syrups {homemade is so rad!}
The possibilities are so varied, it will never get old.
Golden Perfection.
These were pretty decent WaFFLes. More like a Pancake WaFFLe.
By going back to making things from scratch,
I am using more of my basic staples
and not wasting so much from non use.
The kids love the homecooked stuff,
and its making great memories for them, like it did for me.
And they are a great substitute for bread when you are craving a PB&J sandwich -
ReplyDeleteOh and don't forget waffles and fried chicken! OR savory waffles, waffle taco shells!......oh, oh add pumpkin to the batter with pie seasoning....
===waffle love===
{Kris ~ DEFinitely going to try the PumPkin soon. My son loves pumpkin!