A Cold and Grey day,
The Sugar Plums get an unexpected day off of school
because it was "supposed" to Ice and Sneaux,
and, No Surprise here ~behind Schedule.
So what to do for some chEEring Up?!
Why, Treats~for~My~WishList~ShoPPing! of course.
and Thanks to the World Wide Web,
I can do it from Home
while siTTing on My Bum and drinking CoFFee.
and what CoLoR do I chOOse?
Not only does it go well with Grey,
but darling! its so chEEry....
One (of the Many!) reasons, I want to learn to crochet better,
and also knit, is SLiPPer Socks!
I wear Them constantly,
I go through Them like most PeoPLe go through Their cell phone minutes.
These Dark Pink Mary Janes are right up there on my Cozy Factor Standards.
Now, here's something to chEEr ya right Up!
This exquisite set of Organza PoPPy Flowers.
I am envious of Those that can sit down and
whip up a Shirt, Skirt, Scarf to aTTach these to!
Oh the Dream....

Any type of chEEry shoPPing requires some JeWeLry.
This necklace is just Delicious.
Even the name ~ Pink Currants ~ is Delish.
And that Smokey Gunmetal chain, takes it from Little Girl to Saucy Woman.
I already have the perfect dress for this
{see previous blog~ Betty Paige wear}
Need something Spunky Punky to set off those Combat bOOts?
This'll do Ya.

Pink & Orange PiCaSSo Ring.
I really liked the simple design of this belt but the color sets it.
This was the color of My most adored Lipstick in the 80s & 90s.
Flowers in My Hair, is not a new concept for Me,
while PoPPies are a Life~time favorite of Mine
from Wizard of Oz to my Turkish Heritage.
Oriental PoPPies Headband

Its natural, that I would yearn for these Flower Hair Treats.
After all that Bum Sitting and CoFFee Drinking,
searching for New Wishes,
{hey, its REALLY hard to pick some times!}
it would be so scrumdiliupmtious, to eat some Curry or Lentil soup
from these DragonFly Bowls

I would end the day on a Rose Scented note.
This soap sounds really Heavenly, a combined scent of Rose and Musk.
I am,
Smitten like Eartha Kitten.
PS. The Cute Little Pink Ceramic Deer was Sold.
Crochet Mary Janes
Organza PoPPy Flowers
Pink Currants Necklace
Pink & Orange PiCaSSo Ring
Hot Pink Bird Belt
Oriental PoPPies Headband
Flying Dragonfly Bowls
Rose Soap
Pink Ceramic Deer {sold}
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